Kelvin-2 has a large set of compilers and libraries for those users who compile their own self-programmed applications. We hardly recommend avoiding the system compilers, and to use those ones which are installed as modules. Modules for compilers as flagged in general as
And libraries
Compilers available on Kelvin-2
On Kelvin-2, for usual programming languages as C, C++, or Fortran, we recommend using the GNU compiling suite. It is well tested, and it is currently the fastest for AMD systems. It is also a universal compiling suite, so any code will compile with it.
Other compilers installed in Kelvin-2 are the AOCC, Clang (as part of library llvm), or Nvidia nvhp (only in GPU nodes).
In consistence with the general practice, jobs must not be run into the login nodes, and that includes compilation. The compilers check the hardware of the node where they are working, and they produce an executable adapted to the architecture of the node. Login nodes have different architecture than compute nodes, so an application compiled in the login nodes will likely not work in the compute nodes.
To compile, an interactive session should be opened in a compute node. All the compute nodes in Kelvin-2 have the same architecture, so in general it does not matter in which one of them the compilation is performed. High-memory nodes have more RAM memory, but the model of the RAM and the processors are the same as the standard nodes, so a program compiled in the standard nodes will work in the high-memory nodes.
One exception is to compile a program designed to work on the GPUs. In this case, the session must be allocated in the k2-gpu partition, and it must be allocated a GPU resource where the application will be executed. For compatibility, we recommend using the A100 GPUs to compile. Further details about how to compile for GPUs will be stated in the specific section.
srun --pty --partition=k2-gpu --ntasks=1 --mem-per-cpu=4G --gres gpu:a100:1 bash
Example of compilation
// Program to print Hello World using C language
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void main(void)
printf("Hello World... \n");
Compile and execute
[<user>@login1 [kelvin2] ~]$ srun --pty --partition=k2-hipri --ntasks=1 --mem-per-cpu=100M bash
[<user>@node162 [kelvin2] ~]$ module load compilers/gcc/9.3.0
[<user>@node162 [kelvin2] ~]$ gcc -O2 -o hello_world.x hello_world.c
[<user>@node162 [kelvin2] ~]$ ./hello_world.x
Hello World...
Compiling parallel applications
- OpenMP
All the compilers have integrated the libraries to execute in parallel using the Open Multi Processor protocol. In the case of the GNU compiler, the OpenMP protocol is activated just adding the flag
to the compilation command.
// OpenMP program to print Hello World
// using C language
// OpenMP header
#include <omp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Beginning of parallel region
#pragma omp parallel
printf("Hello World... from thread = %d\n",
// Ending of parallel region
Compile and execute
[<user>@login1 [kelvin2] ~]$ srun --pty --partition=k2-hipri --ntasks=8 --mem-per-cpu=100M bash
[<user>@node162 [kelvin2] ~]$ module load compilers/gcc/9.3.0
[<user>@node162 [kelvin2] ~]$ gcc -O2 -fopenmp -o hello_world_omp.x hello_world_omp.c
[<user>@node162 [kelvin2] ~]$ ./hello_world_omp.x
Hello World... from thread = 3
Hello World... from thread = 2
Hello World... from thread = 6
Hello World... from thread = 7
Hello World... from thread = 4
Hello World... from thread = 5
Hello World... from thread = 0
Hello World... from thread = 1
To compile using the Message Passing Interface protocol, in Kelvin-2 it is necessary to load the modules for those libraries and change the compiling commands. The modules that activate the MPI libraries are flagged in Kelvin-2 as
The available MPI implementations on Kelvin-2 are
We hardly recommend using the OpenMPI compiling suite, it has been widely tested, and it works stable on Kelvin-2. The MPICh suite has not been so deeply tested, and it is not guaranteed that applications compiled with it will work on Kelvin-2. If you decide to use the MPICh suite, be sure to test your application before using it for production.
To compile using MPI, the compiling commands should be changed. For example, to compile a C program with the compiler GNU 9.3.0, the command to be used is
gcc <flags> -o my_executable.x my_C_program.c
And if we want to compile it in parallel using the MPI version 4.1.1, the compiling command should be changed to
mpicc <flags> -o my_executable.x my_MPI-C_program.c
In general, the compiling commands should be changed
gcc -> mpicc
g++ -> mpicxx
gfortran -> mpifortran
These values are taken by default, and the command "mpicc" will use the GNU compiler and the MPI libraries. If you want to use a different compiler, you have to specify it in the environment variables
For example, to compile using the MPI library v4.1.1 with the clang compiler included in the module llvm v12.0.0, the environment variables should be defined as
export OMPI_MPICC=clang
export OMPI_MPICXX=clang++
export OMPI_FC=flang
and compile using the commands "mpicc", "mpicxx", "mpifortran".
#include <mpi.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Initialize the MPI environment
// Get the number of processes
int world_size;
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_size);
// Get the rank of the process
int world_rank;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank);
// Get the name of the processor
char processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];
int name_len;
MPI_Get_processor_name(processor_name, &name_len);
// Print off a hello world message
printf("Hello world from processor %s, rank %d out of %d processors\n",
processor_name, world_rank, world_size);
// Finalize the MPI environment.
Compile and execute
[<user>@login1 [kelvin2] ~]$ srun --pty --partition=k2-hipri --ntasks=8 --mem-per-cpu=100M bash
[<user>@node162 [kelvin2] ~]$ module load compilers/gcc/9.3.0
[<user>@node162 [kelvin2] ~]$ module load mpi/openmpi/4.0.4/gcc-9.3.0+ucx-1.8.0
[<user>@node162 [kelvin2] ~]$ mpicc -O2 -o hello_world_mpi.x hello_world_mpi.c
[<user>@node162 [kelvin2] ~]$ mpirun -np 8 ./hello_world_mpi.x
Hello world from processor, rank 0 out of 8 processors
Hello world from processor, rank 4 out of 8 processors
Hello world from processor, rank 5 out of 8 processors
Hello world from processor, rank 1 out of 8 processors
Hello world from processor, rank 3 out of 8 processors
Hello world from processor, rank 6 out of 8 processors
Hello world from processor, rank 7 out of 8 processors
Hello world from processor, rank 2 out of 8 processors
- OpenACC
Open accelerator is a feature included in the Nvidia compiler. It can be activated adding to the compilation sequence the flag
This option implies an intelligent check-up of the hardware at the time of the execution. The compiler will use the available hardware resources at that time to optimize the acceleration of the marked regions of the code as "OpenACC", multiple-CPUs or GPUs will be allocated by the compiler for the execution, the user does not need to specify the resources at the time of the execution.
OpenACC is a feature of the Nvidia compiler. On Kelvin-2, it will work only on the GPU nodes. If you want the compiler to take advantage of the GPU accelerators, you must allocate a GPU resource when you compile the code, preferably an A100 GPU.
More information about OpenACC, including pdf user guides can be found in the web site
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef _OPENACC
#include <openacc.h>
int main(void) {
#ifdef _OPENACC
acc_device_t devtype;
printf("Hello world from OpenACC\n");
#ifdef _OPENACC
devtype = acc_get_device_type();
printf("Number of available OpenACC devices: %d\n", acc_get_num_devices(devtype));
printf("Type of available OpenACC devices: %d\n", devtype);
printf("Code compiled without OpenACC\n");
return 0;
Compile and execute
[<user>@login1 [kelvin2] ~]$ srun --pty --partition=k2-gpu --ntasks=1 --mem-per-cpu=1G --gres gpu:a100:1 bash
[<user>@gpu111 [kelvin2] ~]$ module load nvhpc/22.7
[<user>@gpu111 [kelvin2] ~]$ nvc -O2 -acc -o hello_world_openacc.x hello_world_openacc.c
[<user>@gpu111 [kelvin2] ~]$ ./hello_world_openacc.x
Hello world from OpenACC
Number of available OpenACC devices: 1
Type of available OpenACC devices: 4
Compiling applications that use GPUs
To compile a program designed to work on the Graphical Processing Units of Kelvin-2, it is essential that it is compiled in a GPU node, so the queue "k2-gpu" must be allocated. For backwards compatibility, the program must be compiled in the latest model of GPU present in the machine, in our case, the Nvidia A100 GPUs. So, when allocating the interactive session to carry out the compilation, the resource A100 should be allocated with the flag
--gres gpu:a100:1
During the last years, the popularity of the specific GPU-focused programming languages, such as CUDA, has decreased. This is due to the publicly-available libraries have become more and more complete, and practically any mathematical operation that can benefit of the acceleration advantages of a GPU is present on those libraries. Some examples are "cublas" for linear-algebra operations, and "cufft" for Fourier transforms. Most of the libraries designed to work in the GPUs of Kelvin-2 can be found in the module for the Nvidia CUDA drivers:
These libraries can be including in the executables, as usual adding the flag "-l" to the compilation command, for example
gcc <flags> -lcublas -lcufft -o my_executable.x my_GPU_program.c
Nevertheless, if you require a very specific operation, that is not present in the available libraries, and it is necessary to use CUDA, the Nvidia compiler can be used. Currently, the Nvidia compiler is the only one installed on Kelvin-2 that can compile CUDA code
This compiler can recognise the sections of the code in an intelligent way, so there is no need of more flags to point that it includes CUDA routines. To compile with Nvidia compiler, just use its usual commands
nvc <flags> -o my_executable.x my_CUDA_C_program.c
nvc++ <flags> -o my_executable.x my_CUDA_C++_program.cxx
nvfortran <flags> -o my_executable.x my_CUDA_Fortran_program.for